Thursday, May 23, 2013

sprucing up the back deck

As I said in the last post, I forgot (or didn't think about it, because I am lazy and according to everyone go on too many vacations) to post about the deck and staining it.
I bought the stain probably a year and a half ago, no joke... Sad I know. Not sure why I didn't stain it last year. I can think of plenty of excuses if you really want to hear them, like:
the deck needed to be power washed & I don't have a power washer
I just graduated and just wanted to enjoy my summer
I'm just lazy
the deck is kind of old and a piece anyway so why bother
I could go at this all day, but I will spare you...
Anyway, the deck finally just got stained a few weeks ago, before our vacation. It was a very spontaneous decision and my dad is probably the only reason I got off my lazy butt and did it. Eric and I were working in the yard on the firepit and garden border by the garage and my dad showed up with a powerwasher that he borrowed from his friend and powerwashed said deck. Since it was finally clean, and I was feeling all inspired from all the work we did, I decided the following day we were going to stain the deck.
I had the stain for so long that I honestly didn't remember what color I had originally picked out... Turns out it was walnut (I think) but it should have really been called dark chocolate, because that is the color the deck is now. Staining took ALL day and I had to make a trip up to Lowes for more stain because 2 gallons wasn't enough for my tiny deck. It soaked that shit right up, probably because it is so worn down and weather beaten.
It's done now, could use some touch ups, but I ran out of stain. I plan to get more, when we finish the deck. On one side we plan to add a pergola and when I buy the wood to finish the side of the deck I will buy more stain.
Before & During. What do you think?

I think it looks pretty good. Here's a sweet panoramic photo that you can see all my sweet plants in.

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