I feel like the kitchen is starting to come together, even if the only thing accomplished is that it is finally painted. I even did all the wall painting by myself and surprised Eric when he got home! I know he enjoyed not having to help paint because he helped paint the ceiling, which is the worst kind of painting to do.
I'm really excited because I ordered my concrete from Amazon the other day and my concrete countertop adventure will be starting soon! Hopefully it's not a complete failure because that would be very sad. Regardless, I am excited to give it a try.
I've read numerous blog posts about how to do concrete countertops (thin coats, building boxes, over tile, over laminate, etc.) and came to the conclusion I wanted to try thin coat over the current countertops. Everyone that posted this method seemed to be please, but then again, their blog isn't called "Nailed it or Failed it," so maybe the failures out there just didn't blog about it! Anyway, I bought my supplies: Ardex Feather Finish, Cheng Concrete Sealer, and Cheng Concrete Countertop Polish.