Thursday, May 23, 2013

plants plants plants plants

I have an abnormal obsession with plants, like seriously... Every weekend in the summer my mom and I go to the farmer's market and I buy more. I always have plants in the house, even during the winter and normally I have a garden outside in the summer. This year is different because with the possibility of moving, I didn't want to start something that I wouldn't be around to finish. So I am going to hold off on a big fancy vegetable / herb garden until Eric and I get a house, and can do it right.
That being said, I've not let it stop my obsession with buying flowers, herbs, and vegetables.
Right now, on my newly stained deck (which I forgot to blog about, that will come later), I have quite the selection.
Chocolate Mint
Snap Peas
Some sort of lemon herb that I can't remember the name of, because I have had it for so long
a Hibiscus Bush
Dinnerplate Dahlias
&& that is just the stuff on the back deck.

The front porch has two small pots with Gerber daisies that I got at Meijer for only $10 a piece. Quite the steal considering how nice they look.
Inside I've got plenty as well. Some more dahlias (they are one of my favs) that need to be planted in a pot for outside, a HUGE aloe plant (like seriously, the greenhouse must have fed this thing steroids), "mother-in-law tongues" and this ridiculous cactus that is my mom's. It was brought to my house because my dad claims it attacks him and shoots it's needles at him; so for the winter, it got to take up residence in my living room 10ft in the air where everyone was safe from it's wrath. Oh and I have an orchid, it doesn't have flowers on it right now :( :( :( but it's still alive, and that is quite a feat, because orchids are not easy to keep alive.
This weekend I have ALL THE PLANS when it comes to gardening around the house. The landscaping around my house is baren to say the least, so even though I don't plan on vegetable gardening, I would like to spruce it up a bit... I was very torn and could not decide if I wanted to spend the money on landscaping for a house I may or may not live in next year, so I decided to do it on the cheap and practical while still looking nice and not so baren. I'll post pictures of everything when I get done this weekend. It's going to be fun and tiring but it's what I decided I wanted for my birthday so I am going to go with it.

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